Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Mr. Bennet

think Mr. Bennet has good intentions. He is distant from his family and other people around him. But him and Elizabeth have a strong bond, and he cares about who she marries and warns her about who she marries. He’s not a good husband or father. He does no have good judgement of others. He is very intelligent but has poor judgment.  I believe that he is overwhelmed with his wife being obnoxious all the time and always being concerned with who her daughters marry. I do believe that if he tried to change his ways could he be a better father as well as husband. I do not think that anyone gives him credit for anything that he does.

Should you tell your friend

I would tell my friend if they were about to make a big mistake romantically. Because if you're their friend, you want the best for them and you want them happy. But it depends on the situation. If you know your friends spouse has done something bad to hurt their relationship you should definitely tell your friend. But if you just don't really like the guy, you could just tell your friend and she would know, but I doubt it would be a reason enough to leave him. Telling your friend could risk your friendship, but most likely not if you're really friends. Benefits would be to make your friendship stronger, and knowing you have a happy friend. You should always want the best for your friend and you shouldn't really let anything stop you from telling them something important, especially if it’s a really big part of their life.

#7 Other Classes

The similarities in social classes are the people. Society is organized according to where you fall on the social ladder.  When Darcy meets Elizabeth, he is repulsed by his feelings for a young woman whose family is not only rather common, but not wealthy.  They have no impressive family connections either. Technically, Elizabeth is not eligible to be a possible wife for Darcy who is far above her on the social ladder. Another example of social class dominating the novel, is Mr. Collins constant fawning all over Lady Catherine DeBourgh.  Mr. Collins brags constantly about Rosings, Lady Catherine Debourgh's beautiful home as if it should be worshipped. The fact that Darcy cannot shake his feelings for Elizabeth is troubling for him.  He tries desperately to rid himself of his feelings for someone who is far below him socially.  So, in the end, when Darcy and Elizabeth do get together, it is a triumph for love over social class and class structure.  That is what Jane Austen loves to celebrate in her novels, because, she herself, was a victim of social class prejudice in her own love life

First Impressions

People are influenced by first impressions very easily. Someone can act a certain way on purpose, or because their nervous and it causes them to act differently than they actually would. If you get to know someone you find out more about them and you wont judge them about how they act. And you maybe see the reasons why someone acts the way they do. First impressions aren't very valid. But people do tend to judge people off of how someone looks or speaks, especially if you don't know them. If you see someone for the first time and they look mad or are being very rude, you automatically think they are always like that. But maybe that person is just having a really bad day, or just not in a good mood. First impressions usually do stick for a long time though. But you should get to know someone before you act like you know them.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Parental Responsibilities

Good parenting is not letting your kids go do whatever they want to do. To make sure you keep an eye on them, but do not be too crazy. If you are really strict it makes your kids do what they want anyway behind your back and not talk to you about anything. Parent responsibilities are to help them, let them make mistakes because they learn from them. Parents are supposed to provide food for their kids, and shelter over their heads, and make sure they are clean. You keep them out of problem and teach them the best way to handle situations, and prepare them for the real world. You treat them the best way possible and you do not neglect them. You do what is best for them. You put your children first. You make them happy but you do not spoil them so much to where they are brats.